Véronique ROSSET, PhD

Research assistant

Nature Management

+41 (0)22 546 68 10 (n° bureau)

Research fields

Pond biodiversity under human pressures
Macroinvertebrate biodiversity (larvae and adults)


Multi-access keys for biodiversity identification
Monitoring of alpine pond biodiversity

Responsabilités externes & affiliations

  • European Pond Conservation Network (EPCN): committee member
  • Swiss Society for Hydrology and Limnology (SGHL), French Association for Limnology (AFL)

Carrière scientifique

University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland (hepia), Nature Management
Research assistant, 50%
Sept. 2016 ‐

Irstea from Lyon, Freshwater systems, ecology and pollution
Research engineer, 80%
Nov. 2012 – Déc. 2015

University of Geneva, Institute for environmental sciences
Assistant, 70%
Avril 2011 ‐ Déc. 2011

Service de l'écologie de l'eau (SECOE)
Biologist, 30%
Avril 2011 ‐ Sept. 2011

University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland (hepia), Nature Management
Research assistant, 80%
Juil. 2007 ‐ Fév. 2011


  • Coordination with the Professor Beat Oertli of the Major Natural Resource Management from the Master of Life Science
  • Teaching to bachelor and master students
  • Supervision of bachelor and master theses


  • Oertli, B., A. Boissezon, V. Rosset & C. Ilg, 2018. Alien aquatic plants in wetlands of a large European city (Geneva, Switzerland): from diagnosis to risk assessment. Urban Ecosystems, in press.
  • Rosset V., Ruhi A., Bogan M.T. & Datry T. under review. Do communities of lentic and lotic systems respond similarly to drying?
  • Marle P., Rabarivelo S., Maréchal S., Castella E., Rosset V., Roger M.‐C., Coppa G. & Barnasson J. under review. Caddisfly assemblages in two floodplain reaches of the French upper Rhone River.
  • Wissinger S.A., Oertli B. & Rosset V. 2016. Invertebrate communities of alpine ponds. In Invertebrates in freshwater wetlands – an international perspective on their ecology, eds Batzer D. & Boix D., Springer International Publishing, p. 55‐103.
  • Rosset V., Angélibert S., Arthaud F., Bornette G., Robin J., Wezel A., Vallod D. & Oertli B. 2014. Is eutrophication really a major impairment for small waterbody biodiversity? Journal of Applied Ecology. 51(2): 415–425.
  • Rosset V., Simaika J. P., Arthaud F., Bornette G., Vallod D., Samways M.J. & Oertli B. 2013. Comparative assessment of scoring methods to evaluate the conservation value of pond and small lake biodiversity. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 23(1):23‐36
  • Rosset V. & Oertli B. 2011. Freshwater biodiversity under climate warming pressure: identifying the winners and losers in temperate stagnant waterbodies. Biological Conservation. 144(9), 2311‐2319.
  • Rosset V., Lehmann A. & Oertli B. 2010. Warmer and richer? Predicting the impact of climate change on species richness in small temperate waterbodies. Global Change Biology. 16(8), 2376‐2387.
  • Angélibert S., Rosset V., Indermuehle N. & Oertli B. 2010. The Pond Biodiversity Index “IBEM”: a new tool for the rapid assessment of biodiversity in ponds from Switzerland. Part 1. Index development. Limnetica. 29(1), 93‐104.
  • Indermuehle N., Angélibert S., Rosset V. & Oertli B. 2010. The Pond Biodiversity Index “IBEM”: a new tool for the rapid assessment of biodiversity in ponds from Switzerland. Part 2. Method description and examples of application. Limnetica. 29(1), 105‐119.
  • Rosset V., Oertli B., Angélibert S. & Indermuehle N. 2008. The local diversity of macroinvertebrates in alpine ponds as an indicator of global change: a Gastropod case‐study. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30(3) 482‐484.