Monday, May 14th, 2018, 7pm
Art Work(ers): A “Prospective” for Multifaceted Constellations Of Art, Work and Research.
Petra Köhle, Federica Martini, Anne-Julie Raccoursier
HEAD – Genève, Boulevard Helvétique 9, 1205 Genève, Salle de séminaire 27, 2ème étage

In the framework of the Situated Art Practices seminar, Anne-Julie Raccoursier has invited Federica Martini and Petra Köhle, with whom she collaborates at the Master in Public Spheres (at ECAV – Ecole cantonale d’art du Valais) for a presentation by the three of them of the Art Work(ers) research project.
Art Work(ers) has developed from a set of historical facts and intuitions around relationships, exchanges and overlaps between artistic production, political responsibility and industry. The project observed the labour models emerging from collaborations between artists and workers, including APG, EAT and artists’ unions, as well as the story of situations of joint production including artists, poets and workers in the Olivetti typing machine factories in Ivrea (IT).
Today, in times of « platform capitalism » and « gig economy », the labour conditions of the art system disseminate in all sectors of society. Is this an announcement that in the future everybody will work as an artist ? How to imagine our own perceptions and “prospectives“ of art labour between the cultural and industrial spheres ?