Monday, January 15th, 2018, 7pm
Research, solidarity and resistance in states of emergency
HEAD – Genève, Boulevard Helvétique 9, 1205 Geneva, seminar room CCC, salle 27, 2nd floor
![Capture d’écran 2018-01-09 à 13.33.03[3] - copie](’écran-2018-01-09-à-13.33.033-copie.jpg)
One by one, the academicians who signed the petition for peace in Turkey stand on trial for « propaganda of terrorism ». In the past year, many have lost theirteachingpositions and most of their civil rights, while war policies continue to unfold. They are not alone, around the world, thinkers and activists are being criminalized for acts of solidarity.
Drawing on individual and collective actions within universities in Turkey, India, the USA, and Europe we try to think about the role of researchers within states of emergency. What is the relation between theory and practice within these movements? How can we, as researchers, deal with violence, precarity, or with our own affects while being intellectually productive?