The research issues and commissions developed within the EISA group concern primarily the problems related to human activities and the resulting local and global interferences. The emphasis is mainly focused on diagnosis, the ecological monitoring of natural habitats and the lotic and lentic aquatic species within.
The research projects are developed in close partnership with other institutions (Universities, Museums, botanical gardens) and with professionals (federal and cantonal administrations, nature reserves, environmental consulting firms, associations, private firms). International relations are particularly instigated with our involvement in various European projects.
The group EISA belongs to the Earth-Nature-Environment Institute, it gathers researchers affiliated to the “Nature Management” course of hepia (member of the HES_SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland).
Scientific & communication officer, University of Geneva
Raphaël Santos, PhD.
Research Assistant
Marius Vuagnat-Kolter
Karine Gobat
Barbara Przybyla
Emilie Staub
Assistante HES (2015-2018)
Cheffe de projet, Alliance Vaudoise pour la Nature
Benjamin Bergerot, PhD.
Research Assistant (2012-2015)
Maître de conférence, Université de Rennes 1 (France)
Christiane Ilg, PhD.
Research Assistant (2011-2016)
Scientific collaborator, VSA
Luc Rebetez
Assistant (2014-2015)
Wildlife Guard, DGAN Genève
Alexandre Richard, PhD.
Research Assistant (2007-2014)
Co-fondateur SCIMABIO Interface
Valérian Vittet
Assistant (2011-2014)
Wildlife Guard, DGAN Genève
Damien Robert-Charrue
Research Assistant
Directeur adjoint Maison de la Rivière
Sandrine Angélibert, PhD.
Research Assistant
David Leclerc
Anne-Sophie Reymond
Research technician INRA (Thonon-les-, France)
Areas of research and projects
(Applied research, service contracts and commissions)
Research within EISA focuses on ecological diagnostics and monitoring of aquatic environment and species, particularly in relation with local or global disturbances due to human activities.
Projects related to the main themes in applied research:
Caractérisation des relations hydrologie – peuplements piscicoles : valorisation du réseau de suivis piscicoles assurés par l’Onema (RHP) en appui à la gestion quantitative compatible avec les objectifs environnementaux.
Création d’un milieu aquatique alpin pilote pour accueillir des espèces menacées par les changements climatiques tout en servant à diverses activités socio-économiques locales
Intervenants EISA
Christiane ILG
Canton du Valais
Commune d'Isérable
Rivières et réchauffement climatique ou comment mettre en place une stratégie de lutte efficace contre les effets du réchauffement des rivières grâce à la végétalisation des rives
Projet INTERREG France-Suisse visant sur le bassin Arve-Genevois à entre autres déterminer les domaines vitaux et les besoins de déplacements d'espèces piscicoles cibles.
Intervenants EISA
Confiner les espèces non-indigènes au milieu urbain et limiter leur dispersion: de la cartographie à l'aide à la décision. Etude-pilote sur les plantes aquatiques du Canton de Genève.
Mares et étangs urbains: des hot-spots de biodiversité en ville? Création d'un manuel de conseils pratiques destiné aux gestionnaires
Intervenants EISA
Christiane ILG
Jacquet SA
Ville de Genève
Furthermore, service contracts and commissions are also carried out by the EISA team in domains such as diagnosis and monitoring as well as in further education
Cours de perfectionnement de l'association suisse des gardes pêche
Intervenants EISA
Jean-François RUBIN
Maison de la Rivière
These research projects are developed in close partnership with other institutions (Universities, Museums, botanical gardens) and with professionals (federal and cantonal administrations, nature reserves, environmental consulting firms, associations, private firms). International relations are particularly instigated (Applied research, networking, scientific committees, organisation of conferences…).
Compétences techniques
Les activités de Ra&D et de prestations de service du groupe EISA reposent sur du personnel ayant des domaines de compétences techniques diverses et complémentaires :
Ces domaines d’expertise sont mis au service de hepia, mais également de projets en collaboration avec des institutions et bureaux d’étude partenaires externes.
Epele L.B., Grech M.G., Williams-Subiza E.A., Stenert C., McLean K., Greig H.S., Maltchik L., Marques Pires M., Bird M.S., Boissezon A., Boix D., Demierre E., García P.E., Gascón S., Jeffries M., Kneitel J.M., Loskutova O., Manzo L.M., Mataloni G., Mlambo M.C., Oertli B., et al. (2022). Perils of life on the edge: Climatic threats to global diversity patterns of wetland macroinvertebrates. Science of the Total Environment 820: 153052.
Vagnon C., Bazin S., Cattaneo F., Goulon C., Guillard J., Frossard V.
(2022). The opportunistic trophic behaviour of the European catfish (Silurus glanis) in a recently colonised large peri-alpine lake.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish , 12p.
.Grimardias D.., Chasserieau C., Beaufils M., .Cattaneo F. (2022). Ecological connectivity of the upper Rhône River: Upstream fish passage at two successive large hydroelectric dams for partially migratory species. Ecological Engineering 178: 106545.
Vagnon C., Cattaneo F., Guillard J., Frossard V. (2022). Inferring the trophic attributes and consequences of co-occurring lake invaders using an allometric niche model.Biological Invasions, p. 1-16.
Vagnon C., Cattaneo F., Goulon C., Grimardias D., Guillard J., Frossard V. 2021. An allometric niche model for species interactions in temperate freshwater ecosystems Ecosphere. 12(3): e03420.
Cattaneo F., Guillard J., Diouf S., O'rourke J., Grimardias D. 2021.
Mitigation of ecological impacts on fish of large reservoir sediment management through controlled flushing – The case of the Verbois dam (Rhône River, Switzerland)
Science of the Total Environment. 756: 144053.
Zamora-Marin J. M., Ilg C., Demierre E., Bonnet N., Wezel A., Robin J., Vallod D., Calvo J. F. , Oliva-Paterna F. J., Oertli B. 2021. Contribution of artificial waterbodies to biodiversity: A glass half empty or half full? Science of the Total Environment. 753: 141987.
Ducotterd C., Crovadore J., Lefort F., Rubin J., Ursenbacher S. 2020. A powerful long metabarcoding method for the determination of complex diets from faecal analysis of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis, L. 1758) Molecular Ecology Resources . 00:1-15.
Ducotterd C., Crovadore J., Lefort F.,Guisan A., Ursenbacher S., Rubin J. 2020. The feeding behaviour of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis, L. 1758) is not a threat for other endangered species Global Ecology and Conservation . 3: e01133.
P. Fait, E. Demierre ,C. Ilg, B. Oertli, B. 2020. Small mountain reservoirs in the Alps: New habitats for alpine freshwater biodiversity? Aquatic Conserv: Mar Freshw Ecosyst. 1– 14.
Carneiro, F. M., J. P. F. de Souza, K. D. Silva, D. S. Nogueira, D. Bichsel, N. S. Pinto, A. A. B. de Oliveira, P. Carvalho, R. P. Bastos, B. Oertli, and P. De Marco. 2019. Low cross-taxon congruence among aquatic organisms in artificial tropical ponds: implications for biomonitoring. Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim. 55:21.
B. Oertli and K. M. Parris. 2019. Review paper - Urban ponds: Towards management for freshwater biodiversity. Ecosphere, in press.
Vanacker, M., A. Wezel, B. Oertli and J. Robin. 2018. Water quality parameters and tipping points of dragonfly diversity and abundance in fish ponds. Limnology , 19:321–333.
Hill, M. J., Hassall, C., Oertli, B., Fahrig, L., Robson, B. J., Biggs, J., Samways, M. J., Usio, N., Takamura, N., Krishnaswamy, J., & Wood, P. J., 2018. New policy directions for global pond conservation. Conservation Letters, 11:e12447.
Oertli, B., 2018. Freshwater biodiversity conservation: the role of artificial ponds in the 21st century. Aquatic Conservation Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 28:264-269.
Oertli, B., A. Boissezon, V. Rosset& C. Ilg, 2017. Alien aquatic plants in wetlands of a large European city (Geneva, Switzerland): from diagnosis to risk assessment. Urban Ecosystems, 21:245-261.
Grimardias, D., Guillard, J. and Cattanéo F. 2017. Drawdown flushing of a hydroelectric reservoir on the Rhône River: impacts on the fish community and implications for sediment management Journal of Environmental Management, 197: 239-249.
Santos R., Joyeux A., Besnard A., Blanchard C., Halkett C., Bony S., Sanchez W., Devaux A., 2017. An integrative approach to assess ecological risks of surface water contamination for fish populations. Environmental Pollution 220:588-596
Wissinger S.A., Oertli B. & Rosset V. 2016. Invertebrate Communities of Alpine Ponds. In: Invertebrates in freshwater wetlands: an international perspective on their ecology. (eds. Batzer DP & Boix D). Springer Dordrecht, p. 55-103.
Bichsel D., De Marco Jr P., Bispo A.A., Ilg C., Dias-Silva K., Bernardi Vieira T., Costa Correa C. & Oertli B. 2016. Water quality of rural ponds in the extensive agricultural lanscape of the Cerrado (Brazil). Limnology, in press, DOI 10.1007/s10201-016-0478-7
Bergerot, B. & Cattaneo, F. (2016). Hydrological drivers of brown trout population dynamics in France. Ecohydrol., 1-15.
Ilg, C. & Oertli, B. (2016). Effectiveness of amphibians as biodiversity surrogates in pond conservation. Conservation Biology, 0, 1-9.
Rubin, J.-F., Fischer, C., Rubin, A. & Chabaud-Barandun, F. (2016). La place de l'animal dans l'expérimentation animale: du laboratoire à la nature. Bulletin de la Société vaudoise des Sciences naturelles, 95, 99-109.
Frossard, P.-A. & Oertli, B. (2015). Manuel de gestion. Recommandation pour la gestion des mares urbaines pour favoriser la biodiversité. Fiches techniques hepia, HES-SO, 60 pp.
Oertli, B. (2015). Flyer SGHL-SSHL Nr. 41, avril 2015. Société suisse d'hydrologie et de limnologie, 41, 1-17.
Oertli, B. & Ilg, C. (2015). Les amphibiens: un parapluie pour les autres groupes dans les sites de reproduction? Nature Paysage Inside 3/15, 16-22.
Sotton, B., Domaizon, I., Anneville, O., Cattanéo, F. & Guillard, J. (2015). Nodularin and cylindrospermopsin: a review of their effects on fish. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 25, 1-19.
Cattanéo F. 2015. Quelles sont les espèces de poissons exploitées aujourd'hui? in: Le tour des grands Lacs Alpins naturels en 80 questions, éditeur: ZABR (Zone Atelier Bassin du Rhône), chapitre 4-02, pages 82-83.
Cattanéo F. 2015. Quelles sont les techniques de pêche utilisées aujourd'hui? in: Le tour des grands Lacs Alpins naturels en 80 questions, éditeur: ZABR (Zone Atelier Bassin du Rhône), chapitre 4-03, pages 84-85.
Robinson, C., Schlüchter C., von Fumetti S., Oertli B., Rey P., Ortlepp J., Mürle U., Lubini V., Knispel S. and Scheurer T. 2015. Chapitre 10. Les milieux aquatiques réagissent aux changements environnementaux. Pages 271-300 in T. Scheurer and B. Bauer, editors. Au coeur de la nature. Cent ans de recherches au Parc national suisse. Haupt, Bern.
Xiu C., Gerisch M., Ilg C. 2015. Effects of hydrologic modifications to riparian plant communities in a large river system in northern China. Ecological Research, published online: 10.02.2015
Rosset, V., Angélibert, S., Arthaud, F., Bornette, G., Robin, J., Wezel, A., Vallod, D., Oertli, B. (2014), Is eutrophication really a major impairment for small waterbody biodiversity?. Journal of Applied Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12201
Oertli B., Ilg C., Angélibert S., Bolliger J., Crovadore J., Demierre E., Julliand C., Finger-Stich A., Forré C., Frossard P.-A., Lefort F., Mayencourt M., Piantini U. and Schmid S. 2014. Freshwater biodiversity under warming pressure in the Alps: a methodological framework for prioritization of restoration areas for small waterbodies. eco.mont 6:23-34.
Benoît, S., Isabelle, D., Orlane, A., Franck, C. & Jean, G. (2014). Nodularin and cylindrospermopsin: a review of their effects on fish. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 19.
Cattanéo, F., Grimardias, D., Carayon, M., Persat, H. & Bardonnet, A. (2014). A multidimensional typology of riverbank habitats explains the distribution of European grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.) fry in a temperate river. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 23, 527-543.
Céréghino, R., Boix, D., Cauchie, H.-M., Martens, K. & Oertli, B. (2014). Understanding the role of ponds in a changing world. Hydrobiologia, 723, 204.
Oertli, B. (2013). Mares et résaux de mares. Zones Humides Info, 80-81, 1.
Wezel, A., Oertli, B., Rosset, V., Arthaud, F., Leroy, B., Smith, R. et al. (2013). Biodiversity patterns of nutrient-rich fish ponds and implications for conservation. Limnology, The Japanese Society of Limnology, 13.
Bergerot B, Hugueny B, Belliard J (2013) When Local Extinction and Colonization of River Fishes Can Be Predicted by Regional Occupancy: the Role of Spatial Scales. PLoS ONE 8(12): e84138. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084138
Richard, A., O'Rourke, J., Rubin, J-F. 2013. External fluorescence retention of calcein-marked juvenile brown trout Salmo trutta raised in natural and artificial environments. Journal of Fish Biology. DOI 10.1111/jfb.12256.
Richard, A., Cattaneo, F., Rubin, J-F. 2013. Biotic and abiotic regulation of a low-density stream-dwelling brown trout (Salmo Trutta L.) population : effects on juvenile survival and growth. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2013. DOI10.1111/eff.12116.
Oertli B., Ilg C., Angélibert S., Bolliger J., Crovadore J., Demierre E., Julliand C., Finger-Stich A., Forré C., Frossard P.-A., Lefort F., Mayencourt M., Piantini U. and Schmid S. 2014. Freshwater biodiversity under warming pressure in the Alps: a methodological framework for prioritization of restoration areas for small waterbodies. eco.mont 6:23-34.
Wezel, A., Oertli, B., Rosset, V., Arthaud, F., Leroy, B. , Smith, R., Angélibert, S., Bornette, G., Vallod, D. & Robin, J. 2013. Biodiversity patterns of nutrient-rich fish ponds and implications for conservation. The Japanese Society of Limnology. DOI 10.1007/s10201-013-0419-7.
De Marco, J. P., D. S. Nogueira, C. C. Correa, T. B. Vieira, K. D. Silva, N. S. Pinto, D. Bichsel, A. S. V. Hirota, R. R. S. Vieira, F. M. Carneiro, A. A. B. d. Oliveira, P. Carvalho, R. P. Bastos, C. Ilg, and B. Oertli. 2013. Patterns in the organization of Cerrado pond biodiversity in Brazilian pasture landscapes. Hydrobiologia DOI 10.1007/s10750-013-1695-2.
Deliry, C., B. Pont, J. M. Faton, A. Ladet, and B. Oertli, 2013. Le Rhône, du glacier de la Furka au delta de la Camargue. Les Odonates d'un grand fleuve européen. Sympetrum 17:33-80.
Ilg C., Oertli B., 2013. How can we conserve cold stenotherm communities in warming Alpine ponds?. Hydrobiologia, DOI 10.1007/s10750-013-1538-1.
Richard, A., O'Rourke, J., Cattaneo, F., Caudron, A., 2013. Effects of passive integrated transponder tagging methods on survival, tag retention and growth of age-0 brown trout. Fisheries Research, DOI 10.1016/j.fishres.2013.03.001.
Frossard, P-A., Oertli, B., 2013. Mares et étangs. Ecologie, gestion, aménagement et valorisation, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, ISBN 9787-2-88074-963-7.
Bergerot, B., Tournant, P. , Moussus, J-P., Stevens, Virginie-M., Julliard, R., Baguette, M., Foltête, J-C., 2012. Coupling inter-patch movement models and landscape graph to assess functional connectivity, The Society of Population Ecology and Springer, DOI.10- 1007/s10144-012-0349-y.
Girardet, M-A., Cherix, D., Hofmann, F., Rubin, J-F. 2012.Eradication d'une population d'écrevisses de Louisiane, Procambarus clarkii, à l'étang de Vidy et situation des populations d'écrevisses à Lausanne, Suisse.Société vaudoise des Sciences naturelles, ISSN 0037-9603. Bulletin de la Société vaudoise de Sciences naturelles, 93.1.
L. Tissot, F. Cattanéo, G. Carrel, J. Veslot, D. Baril, and V. Gouraud, 2012. Spatial-temporal patterns of fish assemblages in a large Mediterranean regulated river. 9th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, 17-21th September, Vienna, Austria.
Dalmard, A.-C., Oertli, B., 2012. Bilan des 9 premières années (2002-2010) du monitoring des étangs de Macun (Parc National Suisse): évolution des communautés de macroinvertébrés. Nationalpark-Forschung in der Schweiz 98, 81-97
Rosset, V., Simaika, J.P., Arthaud, F., Bornette, G., Vallod, D., Samways, M.J., Oertli, B., 2012. Comparative assessment of scoring methods to evaluate the conservation value of pond and small lake biodiversity. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, DOI:10.1002/aqc.2287.
Grimardias, D., Faivre, L., Cattanéo, F. 2012. Postemergence of downstream movement of european grayling (Thymallus thymallus) alevins and the effect of flow, Ecology of freshwater fish, 21: 495–498. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0633.2012.00572.x
Boix, D., Biggs, J., Céréghino, R., Hull, A., Kalettka, T., Oertli, B., 2012. Pond research and management in Europe: “Small is Beautiful”. Hydrobiologia DOI: 10.1007/s10750-012-1015-2, 1-9.
Lods-Crozet, B., Oertli, B., Robinson, C.T., 2012. Long-term patterns of chironomid assemblages in a high elevation stream/lake network (Switzerland) – Implications to global change. Fauna Norvegica, 31: 71-85, ISSN 1502-4873, DOI: 10.5324/fn.v3li0.1361..
Monnerat, C., Leclerc, D., Lézat, S., Oertli, B., 2012. Odonata, In Liste annotée des insectes (Insecta) du canton de Genève. ed. B. Merz, pp. 35-38. Muséum d'histoire naturelle, Genève
Céréghino, R., B. Oertli, M. Bazzanti, C. Coccia, A. Compin, J. Biggs, N. Bressi, P. Grillas, A. Hull, T. Kalettka, O. Scher, and P. Nicolet. 2011. Biological traits of European pond macroinvertebrates. Hydrobiologia DOI 10.1007/s10750-011-0744-y.
Rosset, V. and B. Oertli. 2011. Freshwater biodiversity under climate warming pressure: identifying the winners and losers in temperate stagnant waterbodies. Biological Conservation 144: 2311–2319.
Menetrey, N., Oertli, B. and Lachavanne, J. B. 2011. The CIEPT: a macroinvertebrate-based multimetric index for assessing the ecological quality of Swiss lowland ponds. Ecological Indicators 11: 590-600.
Rosset, V., A. Lehmann and B. Oertli, 2010. Warmer and richer? Predicting the impact of climate change on species richness in small temperate waterbodies. Global Change Biology: 16(8), 2376-2387.
Angélibert S., Rosset V., Indermuehle N. and Oertli B. 2010. The Pond Biodiversity Index « IBEM »: a new tool for the rapid assessment of biodiversity in ponds from Switzerland. Part 1. Index development. Limnetica, 29(1) : 93-104.
Indermuehle N., Angélibert S., Rosset V. and Oertli B. 2010. The Pond Biodiversity Index « IBEM »: a new tool for the rapid assessment of biodiversity in ponds from Switzerland. Part 2. Method description and examples of application. Limnetica, 29(1) : 105-119.
Oertli, B., Biggs, J., Cereghino, R., Declerck, S., Hull, A., Miracle, M.R., (Editors) 2010. Pond Conservation in Europe. Developments in Hydrobiology 210. Springer, Dordrecht. 386 pp.
Oertli, B., 2010. The local species richness of Dragonflies in mountain waterbodies: an indicator of climate warming? BioRisk 5, 243–251.
Oertli, B., Cereghino, R., Hull, A., Miracle, M.R., 2009. Pond conservation: from science to practice. Hydrobiologia 634, 1-9.
Oertli, B., Cereghino, R., Hull, A., Miracle, M.R. (Guest Editors), 2009. Pond conservation: from science to practice. 3rd Conference of the European Pond Conservation Network, Valencia, Spain,14–16 May 2008. Hydrobiologia 634, 1-230.
Robinson, C.T., Oertli, B., 2009. Long-term biomonitoring of alpine waters in the Swiss National Park. eco.mont 1, 23-34.
Santoul, F., Gaujard, A., Angélibert, S., Mastrorillo, S., Céréghino, R., 2009. Gravel pits support waterbird diversity in an urban landscape. Hydrobiologia 634, 107-114.
Richard, A., and Rubin, J.F. 2008. Suivi piscicole du Brassu et du Nant de Pry, deux affluents du Léman : campagnes 2004 à 2006. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat. 91(2): 103-128.
Indermuehle, N. , Oertli, B. , Biggs, J., Céréghino, R., Grillas, P., Hull, A., Nicolet, P. and Scher, O. 2008. Pond Conservation in Europe: the European Pond Conservation Network (EPCN). Verhandlungen International. Verein. Limnologie 30: 446-448.
Rosset, V. , Oertli, B. , Angélibert, S. and Indermuehle, N. 2008. The local diversity of macroinvertebrates in alpine ponds as an indicator of global changes: a Gastropod case-study. Verhandlungen International. Verein. Limnologie 30, 482-484.
Cereghino, R., Biggs, J., Declerck , S. and Oertli, B. (Guest Editors) 2008. Special Issue - The ecology of European ponds: defining the characteristics of a neglected freshwater habitat. Hydrobiologia 597 : 1-155.
Céréghino, R., Biggs, J., Oertli, B. and Declerck, S. 2008a. The ecology of European ponds: defining the characteristics of a neglected freshwater habitat. Hydrobiologia 597 : 1-6.
Céréghino, R., Ruggiero, A., Marty, P. and Angélibert, S. 2008b. Biodiversity and distribution patterns of freshwater invertebrates in farm ponds of southwestern French agricultural landscape. Hydrobiologia 597 : 43-51.
Indermuehle, N. , Angélibert, S. , Rosset, V. and Oertli, B. 2008. Un nouvel outil pour l'évaluation biologique des mares et des étangs: l'IBEM (Index de la Biodiversité des Etangs et des Mares). en préparation.
Menetrey, N., Oertli, B. , Sartori, M., Wagner, A. and Lachavanne, J. B. 2008. Eutrophication: are mayflies (Ephemeroptera) good bioindicators for ponds? Hydrobiologia 597 : 125-135.
Oertli, B. 2008a. The use of dragonflies in the assessment and monitoring of aquatic habitats, In Dragonflies and Damselflies : Model Organisms for Ecological and Evolutionary Research. ed. A. Córdoba-Aguilar, pp. 79-95. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York
Oertli, B. , Indermuehle, N. , Angélibert, S. , Hinden, H. and Stoll, A. 2008. Macroinvertebrate assemblages in 25 high alpine ponds of the Swiss National Park (Cirque of Macun) and relation to environmental variables. Hydrobiologia 597 : 29-41.
Indermuehle, N. and Oertli, B. 2007. Mise en place d'un monitoring de la biodiversité des étangs du cirque de Macun (Parc National Suisse): les macroinvertébrés aquatiques. Nationalpark-Forschung in der Schweiz 94 : 173-182.
Meldgaard, T., Crivelli, A. J., Jesensek, D., Poizat, G., Rubin, J.-F. and Berrebi, P. 2007. Hybridization mechanisms between the endangered marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) and the brown trout (Salmo trutta) as revealed by in-stream experiments. Biol. Conserv.
Vincenzi, S., Crivelli, A. J., Jesensek, D., Rubin, J.-F. and De Leo, G. A. 2007a. Density-dependent individual growth of marble trout (Salmo marmoratus) in the Soca and Idrijca river basins, Slovenia. Hydrobiologia 583 : 57-68.
Vincenzi, S., Crivelli, A. J., Jesensek, D., Rubin, J.-F. and De Leo, G. A. 2007b. Early survival of marble trout Salmo marmoratus: evidence for density dependence ? Ecology of Freshwater Fish 16 : 116-123.
Angélibert, S. , Indermuehle, N. , Luchier, D., Oertli, B. and Perfetta, J. 2006. Where hides the aquatic biodiversity in the Canton of Geneva (Switzerland)? Archives des Sciences 59 : 225-234.
Auderset Joye, D., Oertli, B. , Lehmann, A., Juge, R. and Lachavanne, J.-B. 2006. Can we predict macrophytes species occurence? An answer with ponds. Hydrobiologia 570 : 175-182.
Indermuehle, N. and Oertli, B. 2006. Création de nouvelles annexes fluviales le long du Rhône (étangs des Teppes de Verbois, Genève, Suisse): quel impact sur les Odonates? Archives des Sciences 59 : 243-250.
Auderset Joye, D. and Oertli, B. 2005. Essai de caractérisation des plans d'eau de Suisse. Mares 02 : 10-11.
Hinden, H., Oertli, B. , Menetrey , N., Sager, L. and Lachavanne, J. B. 2005. Alpine pond biodiversity: what are the related environmental variables? Aquatic Conserv. Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst 15 (6): 613-624.
Menetrey, N., Sager, L., Oertli, B. and Lachavanne, J. B. 2005. Looking for metrics to assess the trophic state of ponds. Macroinvertebrates and Amphibians. Aquatic Conserv. Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst 15 (6): 653-664.
Oertli, B. 2005a. Coenagrion puella . In Odonata. Les Libellules de Suisse. Edited by H. Wildermuth, Y. Gonseth and A. Maibach. Centre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune, Schweizerische Entomologische Gesellschaft, Neuchâtel. pp. 130-133.
Oertli, B. 2005b. Orthetrum brunneum . In Odonata. Les Libellules de Suisse. Edited by H. Wildermuth, Y. Gonseth and A. Maibach. Centre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune, Schweizerische Entomologische Gesellschaft, Neuchâtel. pp. 324-327.
Oertli, B. 2005c. PLOCH-2 : une méthode standardisée pour l'évaluation routinière de la valeur biologique des petits plans d'eau (mares, étangs, petits lacs). Projet déposé dans le cadre du programme Réserve stratégique de la HES-SO REAL TECH (Axe de recherche "Produits et procédés"), EIL, Lullier (GE).
Oertli, B. , Auderset Joye, D., Castella, E., Juge, R., Lehmann, A. and Lachavanne, J.-B. 2005a. PLOCH: a standardised method for sampling and assessing the biodiversity in ponds. Aquatic Conservation 15 (6): 665-679.
Oertli, B. , Biggs, J., Céréghino, R., Grillas, P., Joly, P. and Lachavanne, J. B. 2005b. Conservation and monitoring of pond biodiversity: introduction. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 15 (6): 535-540.
Greenman, A. and Rubin, J.-F. 2005. La croissance de l'omble chevalier se modifie-t-elle suite à la l'évolution de la qualité des eaux du Léman ? Archives des Sciences 58 : 237-246.
Rubin, J.-F. 2005a. L'omble chevalier du Léman, du temps des glaciers au réchauffement climatique. Archives des Sciences 58 : 193-200.
Rubin, J.-F. 2005b. Les sites de reproduction de l'omble chevalier du Léman ont-ils évolué de 1981 à 2005 ? Archives des Sciences 58 : 201-230.
Rubin, J.-F. 2005c. Pourquoi la population d'ombles chevaliers diminue-t-elle dans le Léman ? Archives des Sciences 58 : 247-256.
Rubin, J.-F. and Wahli, T. 2005. Les ombles chevaliers sont-ils menacés par la maladie rénale bactérienne (MRB) ? Archives des Sciences 58 : 231-236.
Indermuehle, N. , Oertli, B. , Menetrey, N. and Sager, L. 2004. An overview of methods potentially suitable for pond biodiversity assessment. Archives des Sciences 57 : 131-139.
Oertli, B. 2004. Les invertébrés aquatiques du Marais du Château: coléoptères et gastéropodes. Le Malagnou 1/2004 : 30-35.
Oertli, B. , Auderset Joye, D., Indermuehle, N. , Juge, R. and Lachavanne, J. B. 2004a. Conservation and monitoring of pond biodiversity. First European Ponds Workshop. Archives des Sciences, Lullier-Geneva, Switzerland.
Oertli, B. , Auderset Joye, D., Indermuehle, N. , Juge, R. and Lachavanne, J. B. 2004b. First European Ponds Workshop: Conservation and monitoring of pond biodiversity. Archives des Sciences 57 (2-3): 69-71.
Oertli, B. , Hinden, H. and Perrottet, N. 2004c. Was lebt in den zahlreichen Weihern von Macun? Cratschla 2/2004 : 22-23.
Oertli, B. , Auderset Joye, D., Juge, R. and Lachavanne, J.-B. 2003. Etangs et petits lacs de Suisse: proposition d'une méthode d'évaluation de la diversité biologique. La lettre de la Fondation Pierre Vérots 15 bis : 135-143.
Guide de best practices du projet ACCLAMÉ (Adaptation aux Changements Climatiques dans les Alpes : Action pilote de restauration de la biodiversité des Mares et des Étangs dans le canton du Valais)
A la découverte des larmes du fou. Emission RTS "Prise de Terre" du 1er octobre 2016: interview de Beat Oertli, professeur de la filière Gestion de la Nature à hepia.
La nature en ville. Emission RTS "CQFD" du 21 avril 2016 avec la participation de Sophie Rochefort, Patrice Prunier, Beat Oertli et Christiane Ilg, enregistrée sur le site de hepia à Lullier.
Les 5e Rencontres de l'Eau. Reportage RTS "Couleurs Locales" du 18 mars 2016 avec Jean-François Rubin, prof. hepia et prés. fondation La Maison de la Rivière, et un étudiant hepia, Gwénolé Blanchet, ingénieur en Gestion de la Nature.
Histoire des lieux de sciences : Emission CQFD de La Première du 1er août 2014. Sarah Dirren et Stéphane Gabioud se trouvent dans les Grisons au coeur du Parc national suisse, qui fête ses 100 ans. Dans ce laboratoire à ciel ouvert, rencontre avec Christiane Ilg, hydrobiologiste à hepia à Genève, elle étudie les écosystèmes des lacs alpins comme ceux de Macun à plus de 2600 mètres d'altitude, et observation des fourmis en compagnie de Christian Bernasconi.