Organisation of the INternational Day
- Each paper will be presented and commented by another
contributor than the author himself, and will then be exposed
to discussion.
- The aim of such a procedure is double:
- Since the speaker is not the author himself, he will provide
a hindsight explanation of the paper to the audience.
- The speaker will also be the referee for the corresponding
chapter in the book.
- 45 minutes will be allocated to each paper:
- About 30 minutes for the presentation of the paper (including
about 20' explanation of the content and
about 10' for the comments, critiques and
- About 15 minutes for general discussion.
- Of course, the author of the paper can complete
the presentation, and will comment suggestions and answer eventual
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Campus Battelle, Bâtiment F
7 route de Drize, 1227 Carouge, GE, Suisse
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