Assessing discrimination and environmental amenities
in the housing market
The Symposium will provide a forum to present and discuss recent
advances and applications assessing environmental amenities, land
use changes, segregation and discrimination within the housing market,
by using the hedonic method.
Participation to the Symposium is on invitation only.
If you are interested, please contact Andrea Baranzini or Caroline
Schaerer: contact
The Symposium is composed by three events:
- A "Swiss Hedonic Day"”
on June 27th. This event will be devoted to the application of
the hedonic approach to the Swiss market, cities or Cantons. Swiss
researchers from universities, consulting firms and banks will
discuss, in an informal way, the models they use, the topics analysed,
data and econometric issues and results of the hedonic approach
applied to the Swiss housing and property markets.
- A "Policy Applications Day"
on June 28th. This event will take the form of small presentations
highlighting the results of existing Swiss studies and participants
will then debate the major policy issues in the noise context.
The workshop will be organised around three topics: Swiss policy
context and measures; Legal and economic foundation of noise impacts;
and Valuing noise impacts.
- An "International Day" on
June 29th and 30th. This workshop will convene leading international
scholars in order to present and discuss innovative solutions
and practices in assessing the characteristics of rent determination
and economic impact of environmental improvements and land use
change. Presenting recent findings on residential segregation
and discrimination will allow the discussion to extend on the
effect of the identity of the buyers and sellers on the housing
market prices. Through a careful review and selection of the topics,
papers of high quality will be collected and published in an edited
book, which will represent the state-of-the-art of hedonics in
the assessment of discrimination and environmental amenities in
the housing market.
Program committee
Geneva School of Business Administration
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå
Geneva School of Business Administration
- Caroline SCHAERER
Geneva School of Business Administration
- Jacques SILBER
Bar-Ilan University, Israel
- Philippe THALMANN
Federal Institute of Technology, REME, Lausanne
© Haute école de gestion de Genève
Campus Battelle, Bâtiment F
7 route de Drize, 1227 Carouge, GE, Suisse
Tél. : +41 22 388 1700
Fax. : +41 22 388 1701