CCC Master

The CCC Master – Critical Curatorial Cybermedia is a bilingual research program (English/French) at HEAD – Geneva School of Art and Design. It is based on the porosity and transversality between artistic and curatorial practices, various forms of public sharing, knowledge production, as well as circulation and dissemination generated through research by the means of art.

Drawing on artistic and curatorial methods of investigation, the program invites students to engage with individual and collective research projects intended for the artistic scene as much as the academic and scientific world or even civil society. The dual address of artistic and curatorial is determinant of a necessary transdisciplinarity within the program’s pedagogy, with an emphasis on the establishment of a critical dialogue with the humanities and the sciences through the prism of decolonial, intersectional feminist and queer theory.

Current curriculum:
PDF 2024/25

Previous curricula:
PDF 2023/24
PDF 2022/23
PDF 2021/22
PDF 2020/21
PDF 2019/20
PDF 2018/19
PDF 2017/18
PDF 2016/17
PDF 2015/16

The current faculty includes Çağla Aykaç, Kodwo Eshun, Alex Gence, Basim Magdy, Federica Martini (head of the program), Doreen Mende, Anne-Julie Raccoursier, Gene Ray, Loreleï Regamey.

Guests 2023/24: Giulia Bini, Fiamma Montezemolo.

Professors and assistants can be contacted via forename.surname [at]