OPEC+ found a deal ; Russia is taking it slowly ; uncertainty remains high

Russian crude oil – Weekly bulletin #4

Price movement

Oil prices were down on 4th December, as OPEC failed to give the market a clear signal regarding production cut, and whether Russia would be on board as well, should one be implemented.
Moreover, the USA as well are not helping the situation. Trump tweets stating that “the World doesn’t not want or need higher oil prices” and claiming America’s energy independence since, for the first time in 75 years, USA has become a net exporter of oil. The American Petroleum Institute (API) reported a huge crude oil inventory draw 10.18 million barrels for the week ending December 7, compared to analyst expectations that we would see a draw in crude oil inventories of 2.990 million barrels.

Qatar announcement of departure from the OPEC cartel, stating that its interest were no longer aligned with the other Persian gulf countries, probably had a significant impact on the Dubai benchmark which recorded a five dollars (-8%) drop in a day.
However, on December 7th, OPEC and OPEC+ managed to find an agreement on oil production cut – approximately 800,000 bbl/day for OPEC and 400,000 bbl/day for OPEC+. This announcement led to a small increase in most oil markets.

Supply and demand dynamic

The group of non-OPEC countries is expected to reduce production by 400,000 barrels a day, but Russia is to do its share only gradually over the next few months starting with initial cuts of 50,000 to 60,000 b/d, this is significant because Russia is the main player in the non-OPEC cohort. Therefore the cut may not be reached in due time.

Nonetheless, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said on Tuesday that Russia hoped to achieve its goal of reducing oil production by 228,000 b/d, or 2%, in line with the reduction agreement of OPEC production within four months.

Russia has pledged to gradually reduce production, as freezing winter temperatures make rapid reduction difficult. The group is scheduled to meet in April to review the progress of the transaction.
Nearly a week after the OPEC+ agreement, confidence in the effectiveness of the deal is already becoming fragile.

Reccomendation for the future

Surplus supply could be further eliminated by unforeseen interruptions. Libya has just lost 400,000 bpd due to invading militias, according to the National Oil Corp. Venezuela and Iran are also expected to continue to lose production as they are still under US sanctions and meanwhile Nigeria remains under geopolitical risk. Unlikely events that could quickly erase any excess supply.

However, the oil market is not convinced that the OPEC+ cuts will be enough to raise oil prices significantly, despite the initial euphoria surrounding the Vienna agreement. There are also some other factors that could make the market saturated. Rips in the global economy are growing, the demand leads to some signs of tensions and the supply is still rising as US continue producing and Qatar is to be independent.

Despite an hectic past couple weeks, future curves show a slight contango and we are recommending investing long for the next six months.

Sources :
‘Brent Futures Curve’. ERCE. Accessed 11 December 2018. https://www.erce.energy/graph/brent-futures-curve.
‘Crude Oil Futures Trade Higher on API Data, OPEC Cuts | S&P Global Platts’. Accessed 13 December 2018. https://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/market-insights/latest-news/oil/121218-crude-oil-futures-trade-higher-on-api-data-opec-cuts.
‘Oil Prices Head Higher After API Reports Huge Crude Draw’. OilPrice.com. Accessed 11 December 2018. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Oil-Prices-Head-Higher-After-API-Reports-Huge-Crude-Draw.html.
‘Opinion | Why Is Qatar Leaving OPEC? – The New York Times’. Accessed 10 December 2018. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/10/opinion/qatar-leaving-opec-saudi-arabia-blockade-failure.html.
‘President Trump Throws Hail Mary Tweet On Eve Of OPEC Meet’. OilPrice.com. Accessed 13 December 2018. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/President-Trump-Throws-Hail-Mary-Tweet-On-Eve-Of-OPEC-Meet.html.
‘Russia Will Cut Oil Production By 60,000 Bpd In January’. OilPrice.com. Accessed 13 December 2018. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Russia-Will-Cut-Oil-Production-By-60000-Bpd-In-January.html.
‘Russia’s Oil Production Cuts To Take Months To Implement’. OilPrice.com. Accessed 13 December 2018. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Russias-Oil-Production-Cuts-To-Take-Months-To-Implement.html.
‘Russia’s Oil Production Dips As Possible Production Cuts Near’. OilPrice.com. Accessed 13 December 2018. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Russias-Oil-Production-Dips-As-Possible-Production-Cuts-Near.html.
‘Urals-Brent Price Difference’. Neste worldwide, 19 February 2015. https://www.neste.com/corporate-info/investors/market-data/urals-brent-price-difference-0.
‘Why The OPEC+ Deal Won’t Cut It’. OilPrice.com. Accessed 13 December 2018. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Why-The-OPEC-Deal-Wont-Cut-It.html.

Soybean Bulletin N°4

As we can see in this graph that spans over the last week, the price of the soybean has risen quite a bit. Going from $9.10 and reach $9.20, all while experiencing a sharp dip early in the week. It was resolved almost immediately after.

Additionally, the last two days represented the highest the price has reached with this week’s peeking happening on the 12th and surpassing $9.20.

The fact that the price has gone past the 9 dollar mark displays that the market is slowly recovering from the slump it has been stuck in. If it continues to follow this trend, the effects of the Trade War will be considerably lessen.

However, we had the news that China has made his first major purchase of U.S soybean this last Wednesday 1.5 to 2.0 millions metric tons, providing some relief to U.S farmer who have struggled to sell their record-large harvest. The fact that a trade between the Chinese and the Americans happened not only brought hope for this market after months of trade war, but also has made the value of the soybean rise. Since it means that there is future with these nations trading in soybean, the price naturally went up to reflect the fact that these actors will finally make a decent margin.

Almost two weeks before the end of the year we can see always the same pattern regarding the forward curve of the soybean. However, we can see that there is a slight inverse position beginning at the end of July 2020. This inverse refers to the phenomena that we already describe a few weeks ago (seasonal pattern). Same pattern forecasting for July 2019.

In this graph we can clearly see the impact of the trade war on the Brazilian soybean exports, where, the previous years we can see that the curve is following the same pattern (again due to the seasonal pattern), so it is decreasing in November but with the trade war and China who was asking always for more soybean, Brazilian keep supplying ,for a longer period, China in order to respond to this huge demand.


Bulletin 3 – “LNG and NG, the best performing commodities in November 2018”

Spot price

We can see on the graph below that the US NG Henry Hub spot price was traded at USD 4.423($ per Million Btu) the 2018-12-06 at 09:01:11. As we can observe here, the price has risen since the beginning of November. As seen last time, we know that NG is a very seasonal commodity. Since winter has hit the US, it is normal to see these higher prices: demand is high. We can also compare with the weather temperature from September to see the correlation (see weather 2ndgraph below).

Beginning of October, spot price was at closing time 3,110$/BTu.

Beginning of November, spot price was at closing time 3,293, meaning a +5,88% increase. If we compare to now (4,423), it is an increase of +34,3% from 1stof November + 42,22% since 1stof October!

We can observe a sudden ‘’Wile.E coyote’’ moment the 15thof November, the actual highest November pick in the US, where it was reported to be at 65F (18C) a sudden hot day. It shows how volatile this commodity can be looking at the weather.

Fahrenheit to celsius calculation : (32 °F − 32) × 5/9 = 0 °C

Or here directly: https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/temperature/fahrenheit-to-celsius.html


October : Orange : 11c/ blue : -5c/ braun : 26c /  gray : – 25c

November :Orange : 3c / blue : -10c / braun : 18c / gray : -37c

Left to right: September and October heat map US 2018.

For today’s weather, available here: https://www.weathercentral.com/weather/us/maps/current_temperatures.html

What about other NG markets?

We can observe than the US gas is lower than European and Asia gas: not surprising since we know that US benefits from its large Shell gas supply since 2009. Asian gas LNG is the highest since most of its cost is due to the LNG transformation and freight costs. If we take Henry Hub as the benchmark, both EU and Asian gas are traded at a premium: 4.13$/BTu and 7.52$/BTu respectively. We can observe an abnormal rise in September in Europe: this was due to Outages in the North Sea that lasted 4 weeks, decreasing supply, now it has come back to normal. Something that we can also observe is both Asian and European gas seem to be in a constant positive slope compare to US, which seems to react more to seasonality (high in Oct-nov-dec-jan, lower the rest of the year).

Forward curve

The natural gas forward curve below shows the latest closing prices for the 24 future natural gas contracts. For the month of December 2018, the spot price equals to USD 4.46 per mmbtu (closing price on December 4th, 2018, available at: https://markets.businessinsider.com/commodities/historical-prices/natural-gas-price/usd) and is lower than the current forward price which is equal to USD 4.602 per mmbtu (forward contract January 2019. Contract expiration date: December 27th, 2018. Available at: https://bluegoldresearch.com/forward-curve).

Currently, natural gas market is in contango and the forward curve is upward sloping. This means that the forward price might increase over the cold months.

From the beginning of the spring months (March 2019), the natural gas and liquefied natural gas market will be in backwardation because of the decrease of the forward price. The factor that makes the depreciation of the forward curve is the weather data which shows some future warm temperatures above the normal level in the US for example.

If we compare the current forward price (January 2019) with the one presented in the previous bulletin (USD 4.53, bulletin no. 2 – “The rally of LNG and NG”), we notice that the current forward price is higher, and still higher than the spot price.

We might conclude and recommend selling natural gas and liquefied natural gas during the backwardation period which should arrive very soon.


The winner of November 2018

Natural gas was considered as the best performing commodity in terms of forward price. Indeed, the future price of this commodity climbed at 41.1% for November 2018. The highest future price recorded in November had amounted to USD 4.837 per mmbtu. This commodity has not recorded a high future price such this one since February 26th, 2014.

The factors that pushed up the future price were the low storage of NG and LNG, the cold weather forecasts and the record exports of NG and LNG.

(Available at: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/natural-gas-leads-commodity-gainers-in-november-but-oil-prices-suffer-the-biggest-losses-2018-11-30?siteid=rss&rss=1)

Inventory levels

As we can see on the inventory level’s graph, on November 21st, the actual inventory level was lower than the forecasted level. The effect on the price was a bullish effect because of the high demand. Most of the time, this deficit of the inventory level might occur because of a non-linear demand, which increases during the cold weather periods.

The difference between the last two reported inventory levels (Nov 21st, 2018 and Nov 29th, 2018) was that the actual deficit is lower than forecasted, which pushed up the spot price of NG.

The unit used in this graph is in “the number of cubic feet of natural gas”.


Creation of a new hub in Asia

Since more than one year, there is a rumour about the future creation of a hub in Asia. Actually, it is kind of a non-sense that in Europe work two gas hubs, the TTF and NBP and in United States the Henry hub so why not establish one or more in Asia?
The most advanced hub initiatives are in Singapore, Japan, and China. A number of institutional and structural requirements needed to create a competitive wholesale natural gas market. Six requirements put forward by the IEA “International Energy Agency” were settle.

The institutional requirements were as follows:

  1. A handsoff government approach to natural gas markets. An independent antitrust agency who will regulate the hub.
  2. Separation of transport and commercial activities.
  3. Wholesale price deregulation. Letting the market fix by itself the price and not the government.

The structural requirements were as follows:

  1. Sufficient network capacity and non-discriminatory access to networks.
  2. Competitive number of market participants Gas market requires a number of gas suppliers and traders with competitive market shares along with multiple producers and buyers of gas.
  3. Involvement of financial institutions.

Hence, by referring to the requirements above, which of the three following countries would be the best to host the Asian hub, Singapore, Japan or China?


Natural Gas Forward Curve, 2018. “Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures Price”. Bluegold Research (online). Consulted on December 5th, 2018. Available to the following URL: https://bluegoldresearch.com/forward-curve

SAEFOND, Myra P, 2018. “Natural gas leads commodity gainers in November, but oil prices suffer the biggest losses”. Market Watch (online). December 1st, 2018. Consulted on December 5th, 2018. Available to the following URL: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/natural-gas-leads-commodity-gainers-in-november-but-oil-prices-suffer-the-biggest-losses-2018-11-30?siteid=rss&rss=1

GONZALES, Leticia, 2018. “January Natural gas Plunges as Warming Trends Traders’ Attention”. NGI’s daily gas price index (online). December 3rd, 2018. Consulted on December 5th, 2018. Available to the following URL: https://www.naturalgasintel.com/articles/116659-january-natural-gas-plunges-as-warming-trends-finally-catch-traders-attention

U.S. Natural Gas Storage. Investing.com (online). Consulted on December 5th, 2018. Available to the following URL: https://www.investing.com/economic-calendar/natural-gas-storage-386

UK GAS-Prices rise on Norwegian supply disruptions https://af.reuters.com/article/energyOilNews/idAFL1N1V7057, consulted December 2018

averagetemp-monthly-cmb for 2018-10-00 | NOAA Climate.gov https://www.climate.gov/maps-data/data-snapshots/averagetemp-monthly-cmb-2018-10-00?theme=Temperature, consulted December 2018


http://pubdocs.worldbank.org/en/451911543968504757/CMO-Pink-Sheet-December-2018.pdf, consulted December 2018

Calendar Monthly Weather Forecast – weather.com

https://weather.com/weather/monthly/l/Calendar+USID0448:27:US, consulted December 2018

Plus500 WebTrader

https://app.plus500.com/trade/usa–g, consulted December 2018



The crude price had plunged in the past two months on fears of a global oversupply. Oil at USD 50 is considered as the break-even point and shale drillers have been budgeting their spending plans considering this minimum price for the past years.

Most of the shale oil producers will announce their spending plans in January or February 2019 and there are already signs that they will cut their budget. This will be the first industry cut in North America since 2016

However in the past days, oil prices have reach highs in more than five months. Saudi Arabia and Russia have extended their cooperation and they will probably deal with production cuts during the next OPEC meeting. Following OPEC advisory committee recommendation, members should cut around 1.3 million barrels a day to balance the market.

An unprecedented supply cut was decided in the Canadian province of Alberta. Local producers have to decrease their production by 325’000 barrels or 8.7% a day starting next month until excess oil in storage is drawn down.

In another hand, the announcement from Qatar to leave the OPEC in January didn’t affect significantly the prices during this bullish period of time.

The OPEC meeting in Vienna will confirm if the bullish mood will continue or if the members do not agree on cuts and the prices will keep decreasing.

Oil price sink

WTI and Brent spot price

Leading up to 04 December 2018 data release from the American Petroleum Institute (API), crude oil prices were trading for the WTI at $53.12 (up $0.17 / +0.31%) and Brent crude at $62.06 (up $0.37 / +0.60%). This small increase is due to the recent announcement made by various OPEC players including Russia, giving hope that a production cut may be reached this weekend. The expected production cut could be as much as 1.4 million barrels per day.

China set to resume buying U.S crude oil after trade war truce

Following the weekend meeting between U.S president Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping, they have decided to make a truce on the trade war and pledged to immediately begin trade negotiations in view of possible deal within 90 days.

Chinese refiners are now willing to buy U.S crude oil by March 1 as the tentative halt to additional tariffs and lower oil prices are making U.S crude oil attractive again. Although U.S crude oil is not on China’s tariffs list, Chinese buyers have been staying away from U.S crude oil purchases since the summer.

It is important to remain that before the trade war escalated, the exportation of any crude oil to China were 510’000 barrels per day in June and 383’000 barrels per day in July.


As we can see in this graph, the future price path changed a lot from 30 May 2018 to 30 November 2018. But at the end, the difference of price between the price determined in 30 May 2018 is near of the last future contract indicated in 30 November 2018. The chart shows the price from 1 month to 80 Month in the future


According to the political resolution about the production reduction from OPEC, the price in the next month will increase so we can buy now when the price is not high and sell after when the price will be high.















Copper Bulletin N°3 – The Adventures of Tariff Man

During last weekend’s G20 summit, the US President, Mr Trump and the Chinese President Xi Jinping agreed on a 90-day ceasefire in their damaging trade dispute. Trump decided not to increase its tariffs to 25% starting on January 1st and but to keep them at 10% till March 1st.
On Monday and thanks to to this agreement, the copper cash price first rose from 6,237$ to 6,306$ but decreased significantly the next to days to reach 6,161$, its lowest in a week, following Mr Trump’s comments that he will revert to tariffs if the two side cannot resolve their problems before the 90-days truce ends as well as its comment on twitter that he is a “Tariff Man”.

If you want to know more about tariff man, please press play :

Therefore, what was supposed to be a good news was received by a significant amount of worries by the market which still doubts about a the possibility to see a trade resolution soon. Moreover, in order to secure the 90-day ceasefire between the two countries China agreed to a number of additional commitments.

China agreed to purchase a “very substantial” amount of agricultural, energy, industrial and other products to reduce the bilateral trade imbalance. However, the exact amount has not yet been agreed.
Nevertheless, the cease-fire helped to reestablish the usual relation between the cash and the 3-month prices. Historically, a higher 3-month price compared to cash price has always been observed as copper is generally traded using 3-month contracts and also for carriage reasons. However, these last weeks, the trend switched and the cash price was traded with a premium relative to the 3-month prices. This situation was due to the unpredictable decisions President Trump could have made, consequently, people were rushing and settled price for direct delivery. With the 3 months truce, we believe that the market will experience a “temporary stability”.

To secure the 90-day ceasefire between the 2 countries and the of Mister Trump, China agreed to a number of additional commitments.
China agreed to purchase a “very substantial” amount of agricultural, energy, industrial and other products to reduce the bilateral trade imbalance. However, the exact amount has not yet been agreed.

Regarding the inventory, the LME warehouse level remain low (As shown in the graph). No big change since beginning of November. The offer and the demand are therefore meeting quite well. The price did not experience any big variation due to the inventory.


Louis Dreyfus makes a move!

According to the composite and the future prices for both types of coffee beans, we can notice a significant decrease which continues the downward trend in the price that was seen in previous bulletins.

One reason for the price decrease in the composite graph, is the same as for the first two bulletins, it is that the Brazilian currency has been rising as we can see in the graph, we know that both are negatively correlated so when one goes up, the other generally goes down.

In terms of the futures prices, this decrease is due to a high supply of coffee beans on the  market. We will explain more on what happened below.

Following an article on CNBC, we understood that the November Robusta Future Contracts were traded at a discount of 11-33 dollars. Therefore, Louis Dreyfus, one of the leading agriculture trading company, bought the majority of stock of Robusta beans because of the attractive price which is also used to reduce significantly the carrying costs it has because Dreyfus owns a number of certified warehouses across Europe including Belgium(4stox and Molenbergnatie). This allowed them to stock the beans in their warehouses without it costing them as much as it normally would’ve thanks to the low price of the Robusta.

We believe that this was a strategic move by Dreyfus, as this purchase along with the purchase of 33,360 tonnes of Brazilian Robusta beans was done to have the majority of stocks. Having this important part of inventory allowed the trading company to have the control as well as the power, compared to its competitors, on the physical supplies of Robusta beans.

We have discovered that the high production and supply of Brazilian Robusta beans bought by the European Market made the Vietnamese Robusta beans drop in price as they have also a big supply but no many buyers because most have bought from Brazil which had cheaper prices.

Overall, the price of coffee has been dipping because of the fact that there is too much supply in the market.

We can highlight that this over supply and sharp decrease in price is like in the oil market at the moment.









Iron Ore Bulletin N°3

Iron ore spot price

According to Metal Bulletin, the spot price for benchmark 62% fines tumbled 8.4% to $64.25 a tonne, its largest one-day percentage drop since April 12 last year.

It is the largest recorded declines in the era of spot pricing for lower and higher grades ore too.

The prices are declining for several reasons, the first one is the steel entering a bear market, and in consequence, the steel prices decrease, it means that the margin for steel mills are decreasing almost to nothing. To counter that, steel mills in China produce steel with low-grade iron ore, which is cheaper. Unfortunately, it is the first time since three year that Chinese mills report losses.

Moreover, today, china has less incentive to produces steel and the producers are offloading existing inventory in the market.

Future of iron ore

Based on a report from iron ore and steel data Analytics Company, they found out that steel mills are putting pressure on iron ore producer to decrease there price in order maintain their margin.

The steel mills are hedging their forward production profit margin because they expect higher production due to less sintering cuts from the government.

It means that with demand of steel decreasing because of the cold season, however in the first quarter 2019, the mills will increase production can maintain their profit margin by buying input at lower price.

The future contract of iron ore are down warding slopping because it reflect the steel industry future contract such as steel rebar and steel scrap

Like iron ore, that’s also been reelected in coking coal and coke futures on Monday with the most actively-traded contracts sitting at 1,289 and 2,137 yuan respectively, down from 1,321.5 and 2,170 yuan on Friday evening.

Steel futures are also under pressure with rebar and hot-rolled coil prices sitting at 3,575 and 3,397 yuan respectively, off Friday’s night session close of 3,627 and 3,465 yuan.

($1 = 6.9499 Chinese yuan)


We should go long, we are expecting to see the price decline due to the rise of iron ore production. Indeed, according to the Fitch Solutions Global Iron Ore Supply and Demand Outlook Report, the iron ore’s output will increase from Brazil and India from 2018 to 2027. Thanks to their new mining infrastructure.


Els, F. (2018). Iron ore price craters 8% | MINING.com. [online] MINING.com. Available at: http://www.mining.com/iron-ore-price-craters-8/ [Accessed 28 Nov. 2018].

Investing.com. (2018). Iron ore fines 62% Fe CFR Futures Contracts – Investing.com. [online] Available at: https://www.investing.com/commodities/iron-ore-62-cfr-contracts [Accessed 28 Nov. 2018].

Investing.com. (2018). Iron ore fines 62% Fe CFR Futures Contracts – Investing.com. [online] Available at: https://www.investing.com/commodities/iron-ore-62-cfr-contracts [Accessed 28 Nov. 2018].

Lme.com. (2018). London Metal Exchange: LME Steel Scrap. [online] Available at: https://www.lme.com/Metals/Ferrous/Steel-Scrap#tabIndex=2 [Accessed 28 Nov. 2018].

MINING.com. (2018). China iron ore hits 4-1/2-month low, steel market under pressure | MINING.com. [online] Available at: http://www.mining.com/web/china-iron-ore-hits-4-1-2-month-low-steel-market-pressure/ [Accessed 28 Nov. 2018].

Scutt, D. (2018). Iron ore is in free-fall. [online] Business Insider Australia. Available at: https://www.businessinsider.com.au/iron-ore-price-collapse-china-steel-production-profits-2018-11 [Accessed 28 Nov. 2018].


Oil prices slump : USA exporting more, Russia can go lower and a potential OPEC output cut to come

Russian crude oil – Weekly bulletin #3

Price movement

As recently as the beginning of October, Brent’s barrel was trading at around $ 87 per barrel, while the forecast was 100$. Since then, the commodity has suffered a series of unprecedented losses, affected by both an overabundance of supply and a decline in demand. Oil is now estimated at nearly half of what it was two months ago, after recording its biggest drop in a day for the past three years.

The anticipated cut in supplies precipitated by US sanctions on Iranian oil has not materialized, thanks to the unexpected administration of the Trump government which granted exemptions to eight countries, including major importers, China and India. Most disturbing, this abundance of supply could account for only about 15% of the current price decline, the rest being caused by depressed demand linked to a sluggish economy.

Crude oil prices fell further today after the Energy Information Administration announced crude oil inventories for the week leading up to Nov. 23 adding 3.6 million barrels and 3.453 million barrels for the current week. This is comparable to a production of 4.9 million barrels a week earlier.

Supply and demand dynamic
Crude oil prices lost more than 1 USD/bbl in Wednesday night trade after US crude inventories rose more than expected, for the week ended Nov. 23. However, lower gasoline inventories in the United States and higher crude oil exports to the United States provided bullish support in an otherwise bearish report from the Energy Information Administration.

US crude exports jumped from 473,000 bpd to 2.44 million bpd last week, after three consecutive declines while US gasoline inventories fell 764,000 barrels around 224,55 million barrels still stored revealed the EIA data. This was contrary to analysts’ expectations regarding a construction of 141,000 barrels.

The recent fall of the market to about $60/b did not bother Russia because its budget expenditure side is based on a price of 40$ per barrel, said Putin in Moscow. Although he declared himself willing to cooperate with OPEC “if necessary”, Russia remains in a wait and see position.

Russia’s crude oil exports to India are expected to increase in the near future and could become more attractive when the United States waiver for the purchase of Iranian crude oil expires, said Vice President of the Essar Group on Wednesday, Ravi Ruia.

In October, before the lifting of sanctions was approved, Nayara’s president, B. Anand, told S&P Global Platts that the company would request additional purchases of crude oil from Iraq, Saudi Arabia , Mexico and Brazil, as well as the merger of the Urals with Russia dry.

Recommendation for the future

Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih said in Abuja, the Nigerian capital, that the OPEC / non-OPEC coalition must make a “collective decision” to balance the oil market and stabilize prices. This could include production cuts, although he was careful to point out that no proposal had yet been finalized. The coalition is preparing a meeting in Vienna on the 6 of december.

Looking at the latest forward curve, we can see a slight contango foreseen by the market and therefore, we still recommend to be long on russian crude.

Sources :
‘China’s Russian Oil Imports Hit Record High, Iran Intake Slumps’. OilPrice.com. Accessed 28 November 2018. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Chinas-Russian-Oil-Imports-Hit-Record-High-Iran-Intake-Slumps.html.
‘Oil Falls On Crude Inventory Build’. OilPrice.com. Accessed 29 November 2018. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Oil-Falls-On-Crude-Inventory-Build.html.
‘Russia Isn’t Interested In Joining New OPEC-Led Oil Output Cuts’. OilPrice.com. Accessed 29 November 2018. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Russia-Isnt-Interested-In-Joining-New-OPEC-led-Oil-Output-Cuts.html.
‘Saudi Arabia To Raise Oil Shipments To China’. OilPrice.com. Accessed 29 November 2018. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Saudi-Arabia-To-Raise-Oil-Shipments-To-China.html.
‘Saudis Boosted Oil Exports, Pumped At Record Level In Early November’. OilPrice.com. Accessed 27 November 2018. https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Saudis-Boosted-Oil-Exports-Pumped-At-Record-Level-In-Early-November.html.
‘The Biggest Losers Of The Current Oil Price Slump’. OilPrice.com. Accessed 29 November 2018. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/The-Biggest-Losers-Of-The-Current-Oil-Price-Slump.html.
‘Urals-Brent Price Difference’. Neste worldwide, 19 February 2015. https://www.neste.com/corporate-info/investors/market-data/urals-brent-price-difference-0.

How the market has bean doing ? (soybean #3)


Concerning the prices from those last 2 week, we can observe with the picture that represent the prices of soybean on a 1 year basis, that today the price is quite stable. It varies from USD 880 per hundred bushels to the price today which is USD 890 per hundred bushels.

It is quite a normal situation as the inventories from both biggest exporters, Brazil and USA are countering each other in the supply side. Brazil is exporting the old crop and USA the new one. It means that the supply side expect prices that are stable.

The demand is stable as Soybeans are needed over long term not for one period in time. Therefore the price is acting quite normally.

Forward curve

Two weeks later we still see the same trend regarding the upward trend, we already explain why the forward curve stay flat during the period between July and september and it is due to the seasonal pattern that we explained two weeks ago. Thus, it is without surprise that we can see the same phenomena happening at the same time of the year but one year later. The simple explanation for this is, again, the seasonal pattern that will occur every year at the same time. So basically, this forward curve is quite normal and we can see that the market is stable and well supplied.


Argentina replaces China as biggest U.S. soybean buyer

During the last three months Argentina become the top buyer of U.S. soybean. Almost 1.3 million metric tons of oilseed have been exported to Argentina from September 1 until 22 November.

As we already know Argentina tend to processes its own soybean in order to keep the add-value on the product. But giving the fact that China is looking for non-American soybean or soybean product, Argentina is willing to export more raw soybean and buying more from the U.S. in order to respond from the demand of China and also because Argentina suffer from a drought earlier this year.

U.S. soybean farmers struggle to find buyers amid Trump’s trade row with China

As mentioned in the previous bulletin, American farmers have been stocking a staggering amount of soybeans since their main buyer, China, has been denying their trade offer. In this situation, farmers still have to pay their bills, as one of them put it, “you can’t pay your bills with patriotism”. To remedy with that, the Trump administration has issued a $12 billion program to compensate the loss due to that trade war. Nevertheless, this still hasn’t been able to fully cover the costs of production. As of now, that costs is higher than the current cash price so the do not even have to possibility to break even.







West African Crude Bulletin n°3

Ciao China,
Welcome South Korea and India!





Qua Iboe (Nigeria) – Light & sweet crude (Gravity 37.6 / Sulfur 0.10 %)

                 Nemba (Angola) – Light & sweet crude (Gravity  38.7 / Sulfur 0.19 %)


Price of Brent crude continues to plunge greatly and has fallen to its lowest point this year. It slumped as low as $59.26 a barrel last Friday (the 23th of November). In early October, the price per barrel was at $86, and then we can notice that this plunge is more than 30%.

As a result, OPEC will react as there is an oversupply of crude. Meaning that they will take initiatives by surely cutting the supply in order to regulate the market (stabilize prices). This would imply a rebound in prices in 2019.



China’s Importation of WAF crude oil will be cut in November due to the higher cost of shipments, while South Korean imports from West Africa will increase because of the US sanctions againstIran. In fact, Iranian exports are falling, pushing Asian refiners to look out for oil from much more further with longer journey times, pushing up shipping costs.

“Shipping rates for carrying West African oil on a very large crude carrier (VLCC) to China hit a nine-month high in October of more than $50 000 a day.” (Reuters)

“West African loadings to Asia will fall to about 2.33 million barrels per day (bpd) this month, equivalent to 70% of total exports from Angola, Nigeria, Republic of Congo, Ghana and Equatorial Guinea. This compares to October’s 2.52 million bpd, or 75% of total regional exports.” (Reuters)

Consequently, the demand from Asian refiners for Nigerian and Angolan crude dropped down during the October and November, due to the higher shipping costs, which made the trip unprofitable.

Let’s have a look on West African exports to major Asian buyers:

Regarding tothis table, we can identify that China will import about 1.33 million bpd of mostly Angolan crude in November, comparing to October’s record of 1.935 million bpd, while South Korea will take about 167,000 bpd of WAF crude. India’s refiners will take 567,000 bpd of WAF crude in November, up from 452,000 bpd in October. Finally Taïwan has also increased its number of cargoes by taking about 133,000 bpd in November, while only 32,000 bpd were taken in October.

“South Korea has till now typically taken only occasional West African cargoes, because it has tended to rely more heavily on Middle East or North Sea suppliers. Nevertheless it has now said it would cut Iranian purchases because of US sanctions on Iran and has sought out other suppliers, starting with a cargo of Congolese Djeno that loaded this month.” (Reuters)

Glencore, Shell, Norway’s Equinor and Chevron, among others will supply the Indian market with a combination of Nigerian and Angolan grades.



When we compare the forward curve from two weeks ago to the one from this week, we can say that it is still a contango situation and hence it is still better to store the crude since carrying costs are supported by a higher price.

Only prices $ per barrel have been adapted but did not impact the forward curve. As the overall situation is the same from two weeks ago, in the sense that prices continues to plummet, there is no significant changes concerning this last bulletin to the previous one.











